Revaluation FAQ
Learn more about property revaluation in Mecklenburg County with this FAQ. If your question isn’t answered here, contact the Assessor’s Office at 980-314-4226 or [email protected].

The Revaluation Process
- Why are you revaluing properties?
North Carolina General Statute 105-286 requires all counties to conduct a revaluation at least once every eight years.
- What is the benefit of revaluation?
Property taxes are based on property values. Without periodic revaluations, some property owners would pay more than their share of property tax while others would pay less.
- What is Market Value?
North Carolina General Statute 105-283 defines market value as "the price estimated in terms of money at which the property would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell."
- How does revaluation affect my taxes?
Revaluation and taxation are separate. Revaluation determines the market value, while the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners determines tax rates. The value of your property combined with the tax rate determines your property tax bill.
- Are you inflating property values to raise money?
Revaluation is required by North Carolina law. If you feel your property was wrongfully assigned its valuation, you may present a formal appeal to the Board of Equalization and Review.
- Do you conduct revaluation only at the peak of the market?
The County will review property valuations every four years, regardless of the current market.
Property Information and Values
- When will I get my real estate assessed value notice?
The notice will be mailed out and online property records will be updated in early 2023.
- How can I find my property information?
Real estate property information can be found online by searching your parcel number, your full name or address.
- What does the "Deferred Amount" on the Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value mean?
The total listed under "Deferred Amount" applies to property that is agricultural, horticultural and forestry related.
- What if my house was still under construction on Jan. 1, 2023.
Your property value will be adjusted based on what was completed as of January 1, 2023.
- Can property values change before the next revaluation?
Yes. The assessed value could change if new construction or a change in zoning occurs. When that happens, market value is adjusted using the rates developed for the most recent year. For example, if a house is built in 2024 on a lot that was vacant in 2023, the new house and lot will be appraised using 2023 market values, as approved in the Uniform Schedule of Values.

Informal Review and Formal Appeals
- What if my property value is too high or too low?
After receiving your Notice of Real Estate Assessed Value, you have a two options if your disagree with your value:
Informal Review: Allows you and an assessor to review your property together. If an error is found, it can be corrected without having to go to a Formal Appeal. Informal reviews are encouraged.
Formal Appeal: If you believe your Assessed Value is not a reasonable estimate of what your property could sell for on Jan. 1, you have the right to file a Formal Appeal.
- How do I request an Informal Review?
Call the Assessor's Office at 980-314-4226.
- How long does an Informal Reviews take?
Anywhere from 30-120 days and largely depend on how many appeals are filed in a given neighborhood.
- How do I file a Formal Appeal?
File a formal appeal online or by submitting a paper form
- What happens after I submit my appeal?
Your appeal will be sent to the Board of Equalization and Review (BER). After your appeal is heard, you will receive written notification of your property value in the mail. If you disagree with the BER's decision, you have 30 days to file an appeal with the N.C. Property Tax Commission in Raleigh.
- Do I need to attend my appeal hearing?
You can appear in person but it is not required. If you are unable to attend on the date and time set, your case will still be heard.
- Do I need a hire a lawyer to appeal my Real Estate Assessed Value?
You are not required to have a lawyer when filing an Informal Review or Formal Appeal. You can file both for free